Insurance requirements for Kyoto University students

In other languages

As a general rule, all students at Kyoto University must enroll in insurance to obtain coverage against accidents that may occur in the course of studies or research. Please read the materials linked below and complete the necessary insurance enrollment procedures.

Insurance required (in principle) of all students

For Japanese students

Information for international students is provided below

Japanese students are in principle required to enroll in Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai) and Personal Liability Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Futaibaiseki).* Refer to materials 2 and 4 below for coverage and other details (including types of activities covered, types/amounts of benefits, types/amounts of premiums, and premium payment methods).

* Japanese undergraduate students of Medical Science at the Faculty of Medicine are required to enroll in Futaigakuso instead of Futaibaiseki. See 5 above for details.

For international students

International students are required to enroll in Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai) and Personal Liability Insurance for Students (Gakubai, available from the Kyoto University Co-op). Details of these plans — including eligible activities, categories and amounts of benefits, insurance types and premiums, and payment methods — are provided below. Read (3) and (4) to learn about Gakkensai and (5) about Gakubai.


Students affiliated with the following must additionally enroll in the Igakubai (liability insurance for medical students) course of Futaibaiseki (details in "3. Types of Insurance" in (2) Enrollment Guide for Gakkensai Insurance, Etc., above):

  • Human Health Science, Faculty of Medicine
  • The following Human Health Science programs at the Graduate School of Medicine:
    • Advanced Midwifery Practice, Advanced Nursing Sciences
    • Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Advanced Nursing Sciences
    • Advanced Medical Physics, Multidisciplinary Medical Sciences

Gakkensai and Futaibaiseki

  1. How to enroll
  2. Guidebooks and handbooks
  3. Enrollment certificates
  4. Changing policy details and related procedures
  5. Claim-filing procedures
  6. FAQs and example forms

Other insurance plans

Recommended for those going abroad for studies or field research

Study Abroad Insurance Coupled with Gakkensai (Futaikaigaku) from Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES), available to those enrolled in Gakkensai (details at Insurance for Study Abroad [in Japanese])

Optional insurance for more thorough coverage

Related materials are enclosed with the enrollment documents (except for a document about Futaigakuso, which is provided to Japanese students only).

Contact for each insurance plan

Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai) and Personal Liability Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Futaibaiseki)

Welfare Division, Education Promotion and Student Support Department, Kyoto University
Phone: 075-753-2539
Email: 840kousei* (replace * with @)

Personal Liability Insurance for Students (Gakubai) and Student Comprehensive Mutual Insurance from the Kyoto University Co-op

Kyoto University Co-op Center
Phone: 075-771-6211
Email: ku-seikyo* (replace * with @)

Student Life Comprehensive Insurance Coupled with Gakkensai (Futaigakuso)

Student Life Comprehensive Insurance (Futaigakuso) Support Desk
Phone: 0120-811-806