Career guidance for students

In other languages

Business Japanese classes by the Education Center for Japanese Language and Culture of the Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences of Kyoto University

Students seeking employment in Japan may learn Japanese and business etiquette through the classes offered by the Education Center for Japanese Language and Culture of the Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences of Kyoto University.

The first (spring) semester is from April to July and the second (fall) semester is from October to January. The course catalogue and registration are available online twice a year, around late March and late September (at the website below). Course catalogues are also available at your faculty/graduate school office. Please note that the application is accepted only through the special website below.

Japanese language support classes not included in the regular curriculum

Kyoto University Career Support Center

The Center organizes events such as job-hunting guidance sessions, seminars, and on-campus company information sessions, while its career counselors are available to answer questions and provide advice on job-hunting activities, assist with "entry sheet" preparation, and conduct mock interviews, all in Japanese.

About Us – Career Support Center - Kyoto University

Open: Monday - Friday 9:00-17:00 (except on holidays)

Off-campus career information centers

Employment Service Center for Foreigners

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

Kyoto Job Park (in Japanese language only)

Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare

Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare

Changing status of residence to work after graduation

International students who continue to stay in Japan after graduation must change their Status of Residence. Anyone engaging in an activity other than those permitted by his/her Status of Residence may be subject to punitive measures.

International students are responsible for undertaking all of the above procedures by themselves at the immigration office. It may be necessary to obtain various documents from the university, work place, etc. Please inquire about the documents required to complete the process at the Immigration Services Agency.

If employed in Japan after graduating

If employed in Japan after graduating, it is necessary to make the appropriate change in your status of residence. Depending on the type of employment, the status may change to "Specialist in Humanities/International Services", "Skilled Labor", etc. The documents required vary depending on which status of residence is applied for.

When seeking employment in Japan after graduating

When seeking employment in Japan after graduating, it is necessary to change your status of residence to "Designated Activities" status. International students with this status are allowed to stay in Japan for six months (extendable up to one year) in order to seek employment in Japan.