Degree certificates (master's, professional, and doctoral)

In other languages

Degree certificates can be requested using the forms provided below. Requests are accepted in person, by postal mail, or via on-campus mail for those currently on campus.

This service is provided at no cost. The processing time is around three business days.

How to request certificates

Submit the following to the Educational Planning Division (address below):

  1. Completed and signed Request for Certificate of Degree Conferment form, available below
  2. A photocopy of a valid ID, such as a driver’s license, health insurance card, or passport
    • A passport is preferable when requesting an English certificate.
    • If your name has changed since the degree was awarded, please make sure that the submitted documents list your current name.
  3. A stamped, self-addressed return envelope
    • An international reply coupon (IRC) may be used in lieu of Japanese stamps. Please be sure to enclose a sufficient number of IRCs to cover the postage.
    • If IRCs are not available in your country, you may ask someone in Japan to make the request on your behalf, or use Fedex's Collect on Delivery (COD) service, mailing the COD invoice to the Educational Planning Division.
    • Cash is not accepted.

Issuance of a degree certificate, either Japanese or English, takes about three (3) business days.

It is advisable to submit requests early to allow for postal delays.

Request forms for degree certificates

Master’s Request for Certificate of Degree Conferment Request for Certificate of Degree Conferment
Master's (professional) Request for Certificate of Degree Conferment Request for Certificate of Degree Conferment
Doctoral Request for Certificate of Degree Conferment Request for Certificate of Degree Conferment

Useful links (Japan Post Service webpages):

Where to send requests and inquiries

Educational Planning Division
Education Promotion and Student Support Department
Kyoto University

ILAS Bldg, 2F, Yoshida Nihonmatsucho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan
FAX: +81-75-753-9590
Email: ksui-kkikaku-kyom* (replace * with @)