また、ベトナム人卒業生の方々の同窓会である「ベトナム人同窓会」につきましては、本日が発足の会となると伺っております。ハノイ医科大学の副学長であられるTa Thanh Van先生が会長に就任されるとのことで、今後の活発な活動をご期待申し上げます。
明日は、「京都大学-ベトナム国家大学ハノイ共同事務所(Vietnam National University, Hanoi – Kyoto University Collaboration Office:VKCO)の開所式がございます。今後このVKCOもご活用いただくなど、大学からの支援・交流を進めていきますので、よろしくお願いいたします。
Good evening everyone, my name is Hiroshi Matsumoto, president of Kyoto University. Welcome to this inaugural meeting of the Kyoto University Alumni Association of Vietnam. We are rather far from Kyoto, here in Hanoi, but despite that distance, I am delighted to see so many people gathered to participate in this meeting.
According to what I have heard, for the past three years or so, a group of Kyoto University alumni have been involved in regular gatherings and other activities under the collective name of the Hanoi Yoshida Association. I also heard that last month Mr. Onishi Kazuo became chairperson of the association. I would like to offer my congratulations to Mr. Onishi on his new appointment, and I hope that the Hanoi Yoshida Association goes from strength to strength under his chairpersonship.
Also, on the occasion of this inaugural meeting of the Kyoto University Alumni Association of Vietnam, an association established specifically for Kyoto University's Vietnamese alumni, I would like to extend my congratulations to Professor Ta Thanh Van ,Vice President of Hanoi Medical University, on his appointment as chairperson of this association. I am certain he will perform the role with great energy and enthusiasm.
At present Kyoto University has eleven regional alumni associations within Japan, and twelve overseas. The number of associations rose dramatically this year, with the establishment of three new domestic and six new international associations. And now we have two more wonderful associations here in Vietnam. It is very encouraging and heartwarming indeed to witness the formation of these associations – particularly those outside of Japan – and to see the way in which warm and meaningful relationships develop among their members.
Tomorrow, we will hold the opening ceremony for the Vietnam National University, Hanoi – Kyoto University Collaboration Office, the VKCO for short. The office will function to support various activities of Kyoto University and other Japanese universities in Vietnam. I hope that you will make use of the office, and give it your kind support.
I will now end this brief greeting, but I would like to emphasize that these are currently very challenging times for higher education institutions. There are many pressing difficulties and issues to be tackled, and we are doing our best. In these difficult times, the support and encouragement provided by alumni associations such as this is invaluable, and your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your attention.