News 發表日期 2018/06/20 Provost Minato attends Peking University’s 120th anniversary celebration, visits Tsinghua University (3–5 May 2018)
News 發表日期 2018/06/15 MEXT Commendation for Science and Technology awarded to seven KyotoU researchers (10 April 2018)
News 發表日期 2018/06/06 KURRI relaunches as Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science (KURNS) (1 April 2018)
News 發表日期 2018/06/05 President Yamagiwa on DNU initiatives: "Creating a new world of scholarship with a focus on the humanities and social sciences" (30 March 2018)
News 發表日期 2018/06/05 President Yamagiwa attends 6th Japanese-German University Presidents' Conference (12–13 April 2018)
News 發表日期 2018/06/05 GSAIS and University of Arizona's Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences become academic exchange partners (15 February 2018)
News 發表日期 2018/06/05 "Fujikawa Collection" of historical medical books published online (26 April 2018)