Possession of specified pathogens requires notification or application to either the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare or Kyoto University's executive vice-president for research standards, depending on the class of pathogens involved, as do any changes in relevant details, including discontinuation of possession.
Notifications/applications must be made to the health minister in the case of Class 1, 2, and 3 pathogens, and to the KyotoU EVP in the case of Class 4.
Kyoto University regulations pertaining to pathogens
Kyoto University Regulations Regarding the Control of Pathogens, etc.
(Order No 78 of 4 February 2008)
Laws and regulations regarding specified pathogens and related agents
- Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases (in Japanese and English)
(Act No 114 of 2 October 1998) - Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases (in Japanese)
(Government Ordinance No 420 of 28 December 1998) - Regulations Relating to the Enforcement of the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infection Diseases (in Japanese)
(Ordinance No 99 of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of 28 December 1998)
Procedures at Kyoto University
Office Procedure Manual for Specified Pathogens, etc. (employee use only)
Required forms
Class 2 and 3 pathogens
Forms listed under "4 各種様式” at the following Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare webpage:
Management and Control of Specified Pathogens Under the Infectious Disease Control Law (in Japanese)
Class 4 pathogens
Forms available via the following links (employee use only):
- Notification of Possession of Class 4 Pathogens, etc.
- Notification of Change to Notification of Possession of Class 4 Pathogens, etc.
- Document demonstrating that the facilities handling Class 4 pathogens, etc.