Finding information on volunteers recruitment
Students who have found information on the volunteer engagement program on posters posted on-campus bulletin boards, in pamphlets, etc. visit the website of the Kyoto City Board of Education's Educational Planning Section (hereinafter referred to as the "Board of Education").
Selection of activities
Follow links from the Board of Education website to the pages of schools/kindergartens for information on recruitment, and find volunteer activities of interest to you or programs that match your expertise skills.
Appointment for interview
Contact schools/kindergartens directly, and make an appointment for an interview.
Procedures for volunteer dispatch
Confirm your enrollment in Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research, Supplementary Personal Liability Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research, etc., at the Welfare Section, Students Scholarship and Welfare Division of the Student Affairs Department, and obtain a "Letter of Introduction" to be dispatched as a student volunteer from the Extracurricular Planning and Development Section of the Student Affairs Division of the Student Affairs Department.
Discuss the period and other details of activity, etc., with the relevant school/kindergarten at an interview. If mutual agreement is reached, you will be accepted as a student volunteer.
Start of activities
Termination of activities
Submit a Request for Honorarium Payment/Request for Bank Transfer after the end of your activity to the Board of Education through the school/kindergarten. Payments are made by the Board of Education to your bank account for each of the 3 periods.