Clock Tower Centennial Hall

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Ever since its birth in 1925, Kyoto University's Clock Tower had been loved as the university's symbol for almost 80 years until its renovation in December 2003. The renovation with sophisticated seismic base isolation, realized as part of the university's centenary celebration, renewed it into a new arena of academic exchange equipped with facilities including the Centennial Hall and the International Conference Halls as well as a platform of communication from the university to the public, while preserving its classic exterior appearance and interior impression.

Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall is available for events with such intentions as to promote academic exchange at Kyoto University and the university's linkage with the society, and to contribute to the university's research and education endeavors and the development of science and culture.

  • Closed: 28 December to 3 January
  • Open hours: 9:00 to 18:00
  • Location: In front of the main gate of the Kyoto University Main Campus
  • Contact: Clock Tower Centennial Hall Administration Office, Kyoto University
    Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501
    TEL: 075-753-2285
    FAX: 075-753-2107
    Email: kinenkan* (replace * with @)