News 發表日期 2016/06/06 No classes on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 November due to 2016 KU November Festival
News 發表日期 2016/05/31 Kyoto University Hospital dispatches DMAT, DPAT, and relief squads to Kumamoto (16 April-18 May 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/27 Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences and International Mathematical Union co-host lecture series program "KTGU-IMU Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars" (28 March-4 April 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/26 2016 special lectures by professional engineers commence at the Graduate School of Agriculture (17 May 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/25 Education Minister Hiroshi Hase visits the KU-HUST Office in Vietnam (3 May 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/24 KU, NIHU to partner with Indonesia's Peatland Restoration Agency (25 April 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/24 University of Montpellier student participates in GSB's "Global Frontier in Life Science" program (1 February-31 March 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/23 Carbon sequestration in Indonesia enters pilot phase with ADB funding (8 March 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/17 Prof Hirahara discusses earthquake simulation in his Tokyo Office lecture (23 March 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/17 DPRI Prof Hashimoto discusses the challenges of earthquake prediction (16 March 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/17 Prof Hayashi discusses earthquake-resistant building design in a public lecture hosted by Tokyo Office (9 March 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/05/12 2nd UC San Diego-Kyoto University Joint Symposium held at UC San Diego, California (14–16 March 2016)
News 發表日期 2016/04/21 A step toward overseas collaboration: iCeMS ties MoU with VISTEC of Thailand (29 February 2016)