On 30 October 2024, Kyoto University's International Student Division hosted this semester’s disaster prevention workshop for international students in collaboration with the Kyoto Prefectural International Center and with cooperation from the Sakyo Fire Department.
The first part of the training, held on the Yoshida-South Campus, consisted of a lecture by Mr Rudy Salgarolo, director of the Multicultural Symbiosis Network. Topics included the Japanese disaster warning system and the importance of individual preparedness efforts such as preparing an emergency kit and locating evacuation centers and shelters on a hazard map.
This was followed by a VR disaster experience, featured in the program for the first time. Participants virtually experienced being in a room shaken by a major earthquake and learned how to ensure their safety in such situations.
Next, with guidance from the Sakyo Fire Department, the students took part in a fire drill that involved navigating through a special tent filled with smoke. They learned that when surrounded by smoke, they should bend over and keep low for wider views while covering their mouths with their hands or cloth to minimize inhalation of hazardous substances. The fire training also covered the use of water fire extinguishers, offering participants a rare opportunity to operate these devices.
The workshop helped the students renew their awareness of the importance of disaster preparedness and learn a number of key disaster-response tips, including assuming the worst instead of expecting safety. Kyoto University hopes that the event will contribute to a safe study-in-Japan experience for all.