Kyoto University's network of facilities and partners worldwide represents a solid base for direct interaction and academic cooperation both abroad and in Japan.
In 1963 Kyoto University’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies, or CSEAS, established in Bangkok a permanent office to support academic exchanges not only with Thailand but with the whole of the Southeast Asian region. With more than 6 decades serving as a bridge between the University and ASEAN, the Center constitutes the oldest attempt of its kind among all Japanese universities.
International engagement at Kyoto University has continued to expand and consolidate, ensuring new opportunities and spaces for educational interaction and innovation in research.
Currently, three university-wide Overseas Centers support regional cooperation: the ASEAN Center , established in 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand; the European Center , established in 2014 in Heidelberg, Germany; and the North American Center , established in 2018 in Washington DC, USA. The San Diego Liaison Office was established in 2017 in order to enhance research collaboration on the West Coast of the United States, while the Kyoto University Africa Office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia was approved as an Overseas Office in 2019 aiming to organically connect research, education, and social service activities of the KyotoU departments actively working in Africa, and to further expand cooperative relationships with universities, research institutions, and international organizations in the region.
The main roles and functions of the Overseas Centers and Offices include (but are not limited to):
- Support research activities in the region
- Collect and share scientific data and technical information
- Promote collaborative research with universities and academic organizations in the region - Support educational activities in the region
- Promote collaborative educational projects with universities and academic organizations
- Provide consultation to prospective students
- Participate in education fairs to promote the University
- Provide guidance on the application procedures and overseas admissions - Strengthen Kyoto University’s global network
- Promote programs that encourage international contributions
- Strengthen networks and partnerships with universities and academic organizations
- Enhance ties with alumni associations overseas - Promote internationalization through mobility of students, faculty, and staff
- Encourage creation of and participation in overseas programs including internships
- Organize capacity-building programs
In 2018 Kyoto University launched the On-site laboratories initiative as part of its internationalization strategy, bringing together some of its departments and research centers with their partners abroad to jointly conduct advanced research, developing quality human capital, recruiting talented international students, and expanding collaboration with industrial partners.
Kyoto University’s strong international engagement is also reflected in the number of overseas offices, facilities, and research field sites established by individual departments in the University as part of their own independent activities and commitments in a wide range of locations around the world.
University-wide facilities
These Centers and Offices constitute KyotoU’s permanent gateways fostering academic cooperation throughout Southeast Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa, and they are located respectively in Bangkok (Thailand), Heidelberg (Germany), and Washington DC (USA) as University-wide regional centers.

The Kyoto University San Diego Liaison Office (USA) cooperates with and supports the North American Center on the West Coast of the US, especially in promoting research and education exchange and collaboration with industry.

The Kyoto University Africa Office , approved in 2019, is located in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). It is jointly operated by the Center for African Area Studies and the Interdisciplinary Unit for African Studies, and it aims to connect research, education, and social service activities of the departments in the University with activities in Africa.
Department offices and facilities overseas and in Japan

Currently, around 60 research units, bases, labs, and satellite offices are in operation under the direct supervision of different departments in Kyoto University, providing direct access for researchers in a wide range of academic areas for international academic cooperation.
The University and its departments also have a wide range of establishments for research throughout Area 1 (Kyoto Prefecture) , Area 2 in the northern island of Hokkkaido, Area 3 in the central areas of Honshu island, and Area 4 in the west parts of the country.