Historic Photographs: Buildings

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Main Gate
  • Main building of Kyoto Imperial University before it was destroyed by fire.
  • Map 1
Original University Library building
  • Completed in 1899. To the left is the Sonjodo building (still standing).
  • Map 2
University Library reading room
  • Circa 1909.
Clock Tower
  • Photographed in 1925.
  • The clock hands are not yet in place. Kyoto University’s Clock Tower was built in 1925 on the site of the former Third High School main building, which was destroyed by fire in 1912. The new main building with its clock tower was completed after an interval of more than ten years. The Clock Tower has continued to be the symbol of Kyoto University ever since, and was renovated in 2003 to become the Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
  • Map 1
  • Photographed in 1925.
Clock Tower
  • Photographed circa 1928.
  • The chimney visible to the right belonged to the boiler house, which stood north of the clock tower.
  • Map 1
Clock Tower
Faculty of Law and Economics Main Building (west wing)
Faculty of Letters East Building
Old garage