Yuji Matsuda of the Quantum Condensed Matter Group awarded the 2018 Kamerlingh Onnes Prize (21 August 2018)


On 21 August, Professor Yuji Matsuda, head of the Quantum Condensed Matter Group at the Graduate School of Science's Department of Physics, received the 2018 Kamerlingh Onnes Prize from the organizers of the 12th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors (M2S-2018), held 19–24 August in Beijing, China.

The Prize was established in 2000 in honor of Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, who discovered superconductivity in 1911. It is awarded every three years at the triennial M2S conference to recognize outstanding achievements in superconductivity research.

The 2018 Prize was shared by Professor Matsuda and Canadian physicist Louis Taillefer of the Université de Sherbrooke, Québec.

Professor Matsuda was cited for "pioneering magneto-transport and microwave experiments on exotic superconductors". In most superconducting materials, electron pairs are formed through vibrations of ions in the crystal lattice. In high-temperature and other unconventional superconductors, however, electron pairing results from processes such as magnetic interactions. Matsuda's work addressed the quantum flux state of such materials, as well as a number of other topics including a new method for determining the arrangement of superconducting electron pairs.

Professor Matsuda (right) receiving the 2018 Kamerlingh Onnes Prize

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