Call for participants: International Spring School for Environmental Studies 2018


As part of the "Japan Gateway: Kyoto University Top Global Program", the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES) is hosting in early 2018 a three-week “International Spring School for Environmental Studies 2018 Program” for the University's master's and doctoral students.


Twelve participants will be selected from Kyoto University and GSGES' partner institutions in Europe, Africa, and Asia to explore three topics -- "energy", "food", and "rural–urban linkages" -- through field-based and special lectures, laboratory presentations on research findings and analytical technologies, and fieldtrips to locations across the Kansai region. They will also discuss with each other the challenges and possibilities associated with each topic, learning to examine issues from both global and local perspectives, and developing multidimensional thinking skills.

Number of Kyoto University students accepted

Six (6)


Applicants must:

  • Be a full- or part-time Kyoto University master’s or doctoral student
  • Have an academic supervisor's recommendation
  • Agree to continue graduate studies after completing the Spring School
  • Be capable of discussing environmental issues in English with counterparts from overseas universities: Université Lille (France), University of Stirling (Scotland), University College Cork (Ireland), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), KU Leuven (Belgium), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), Mahidol University (Thailand), Kasetsart University (Thailand), Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia), Tsinghua University (China), and National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

* Post-doctoral researchers and research students are NOT eligible

Program period (days spent in Kyoto)

22 February – 14 March 2018 (three weeks)

Program contents

Special lectures, field study courses, and laboratory visits

Details are provided in the PDF file below.

Fields covered

Environmental engineering, marine ecology, atmospheric chemistry, agronomy and soil science, human and environmental interactions, and other fields of relevance to environmental studies

Provided by the organizer

  • Transportation for fieldtrips and study tours
  • Accommodation for study tours (5,000 yen per day)

Payable by participants

  • Accident insurance
  • Daily meals (lunch and dinner)

Selection schedule and method

Selection will be based on submitted documents and an interview.

Selection schedule

Friday 8 December

Application deadline


Notification of results and scheduling of interviews



End of December

Notification of final results

Required documents

  1. Application form (Excel file)
  2. Latest academic transcript (bachelor's or master's)
  3. CV
  4. Signed or stamped recommendation letter from the current academic supervisor (any format)
  5. Certificate of enrollment in a KU master's or doctoral program
  6. Scores of English-language tests, such as TOEFL, TOEIC, and Eiken (optional)

Submissions and inquiries

GSGES Spring School 2018
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES), Kyoto University
Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan
Phone: 075-753-9167
Email:* (replace * with @)

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