Hiroyuki Yano of RISH awarded 2016 Honda Prize (17 November 2016)


The 37th Honda Prize ceremony took place at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, honoring Professor Hiroyuki Yano of the Kyoto University Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH).

Established in 1980 by the Honda Foundation, the prize annually recognizes accomplishments in the development of "ecotechnologies" that promote harmony between modern human society and the natural environment, contributing to "the creation of a truly humane civilization".

Professor Yano was recognized for his contributions to the invention and development of high-efficiency production methods for cellulose nanofiber (CNF), its application to products, and the enhancement of its potential for further utilization.

At the ceremony, Professor Yano delivered a commemorative speech entitled "Development in Bio-Based Materials Inspired by Nano-to Micro-Structures in Plants".

The award ceremony

Professor Yano speaking

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