2016-2017 GSC-ELCAS commences (17 September 2016)


On 17 September, Kyoto University hosted the opening ceremony for the 2016-2017 basic courses of its Global Science Campus ELCAS ("Experienced-based Learning Course for Advanced Science") secondary education program, which seeks to produce "outstanding intellectuals" equipped with both advanced scientific knowledge and creativity.

Professor Tetsuya Aruga, Kyoto University's vice-president for education reform and the director of the Ko-Dai Setsuzoku Kagaku Kyoiku Unit (High School-University Collaborative Science Education Unit), delivered opening remarks. Professor Masao Kitano, executive vice-president for education, information infrastructure, and evaluation, then lectured on "Humanity and Light", illustrating light's life-sustaining role and tracing the history of efforts to measure and quantify light.

Next, in an English-language lecture entitled "Shedding Light on Liquid Water", Program-Specific Associate Professor Stephan Thuermer of the Graduate School of Science introduced his research, discussing both the basics and latest developments in the field, leading to a lively discussion.

Finally, three ELCAS graduates currently studying at KU came on stage to share what they had learned through the program, discuss their ongoing undergraduate and graduate studies, and give advice on how to prepare for university entrance examinations.

Audience feedback indicated a high level of interest in the University's research and education. Attendees' comments included: "I didn't know that light, which I have been using all my life without giving much thought to what it really is, has been an object of scientific inquiry for so long," "I was surprised to learn that spectroscopy can be used to investigate the behavior of molecules in liquids," and "Listening to former ELCAS students has renewed my appreciation for the program."

Speaking as deputy director of the Ko-Dai Setsuzoku Kagaku Kyoiku Unit, Professor Akira Murakami of the Graduate School of Agriculture closed the ceremony by urging the students to make the most of ELCAS' opportunities for study and research, as well as the chance to meet new people.

EVP Kitano discussing "Humanity and Light"

Professor Thuermer lecturing

KU students sharing their experiences of ELCAS

ELCAS students listening to closing remarks by Professor Murakami

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