Faculty of Engineering holds 11th Education Symposium (25 November 2015)


The 11th Faculty of Engineering Education Symposium was held on the Katsura Campus (Katsura Hall in the Katsura Campus Administration Bldg. in the B Cluster) with around 170 teaching staff in attendance, along with around 50 staff joining remotely from the Yoshida Campus (N1 Lecture Room in the Faculty of Engineering Bldg. No.3). This symposium has been held annually since 2005 to promote Faculty Development (FD) and mutual learning for those teaching undergraduate engineering at Kyoto University.

The 11th symposium, under the theme of "English Education", started with a lecture by Associate Professor Kumiko Morimura of the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. In her lecture titled "Systematic English Education Program at the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo", Associate Professor Morimura explained how the university engages in teaching English.

Following the lecture, Professor Takashi Muranaka, Director of the Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University, delivered a presentation titled "Reorganizing Our English Education". Professor Muranaka's talk focused on ongoing English education at the university and the measures carried out by the Institute for enhancing students' English proficiency. Then, Professor Hitoshi Mikada of the Graduate School of Engineering delivered a presentation titled "Recommendations for English Education at the Faculty and the Graduate School of Engineering Based on the Results of TOEFL-ITP Test and Follow-up Questionnaire Surveys", to explain his recommendations grounded on his detailed analysis and findings.

Two professors of the Faculty of Engineering also delivered presentations on "How classes delivered in English should be", in which they shared with the audience the challenges and recommendations for English education in practice by showing case studies of successful classes they taught in the past.

Enthusiastic and active discussion continued even after the scheduled end time; the 2015 Education Symposium proved to be a highly fruitful event.

2015 Faculty of Engineering Education Symposium