Call for applications for 8th Tachibana Award


The Tachibana Award for the Most Outstanding Female Researcher was established in 2008 to recognize exceptional achievements by early-career women researchers at Kyoto University. Through publicly honoring women who have produced outstanding work, the Award is aimed at further motivating not only the awardees but also others following in their footsteps, thereby helping to foster the development of accomplished women scholars who will lead academic research into the future.

Applications for the 8th Tachibana Award can be made as follows.

Application guidelines PDF
Application form (Form No 1) PDF Word
Research summary (Form No 2) PDF Word
Recommendation letter (Form No 3) PDF Word

Application period

From Wednesday 4 November to Wednesday 2 December 2015

Submissions and inquiries

Staff Affairs Section, Personnel Division, General Affairs Department, Kyoto University
Phone: +81-75-753-2284
Fax: +81-75-753-2095
E-mail: g-e* (Please replace * with @ when sending your e-mail.)
