President Yamagiwa hosts reception for international scholars (15 December 2014)


The 2015 Kyoto University Reception for International Academics, hosted by President Juichi Yamagiwa, took place mid-December in the International Conference Hall on the second floor of the Clock Tower Centennial Hall.

Held annually since 2000, the reception offers an opportunity for non-Japanese scholars engaged in education and research at Kyoto University to exchange views with the institution's President, Executive Vice-Presidents, and Deans, as well as with faculty and staff. This year's event drew more than 220 guests -- comprising foreign-national researchers and Japanese faculty members -- from around 40 KU facilities, including remote research stations located all over Japan.

Professor Junichi Mori, Director-General of the Organization for the Promotion of International Relations (OPIR), served as the master of ceremonies and the reception commenced with a welcome address by President Yamagiwa. In his speech, President Yamagiwa gave an introduction about his own research path and conveyed his hope that the event would encourage new opportunities for interdisciplinary encounters, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. Following a toast by Executive Vice-President Kayo Inaba, guests began to mingle and exchange views about their research activities as well as other topics informally, further livening the event. Many of the participants were accompanied by their families and appeared to enjoy having the opportunity to catch up with old acquaintances. The reception included a buffet that offered vegetarian, halal, and other options to accommodate diverse needs and preferences, and, as in the previous year, featured a slideshow of past international gatherings, which added another dimension to the event.

The party atmosphere was sustained right through the two-hour reception and was brought to a close with an address by Director-General Mori.

OPIR Director-General Mori as the master of ceremonies

President Yamagiwa delivering an opening address

Executive Vice-President Inaba greeting the guests

At the buffet

Reception guests, left, with Professor Shigeo Fujii and President Yamagiwa