Masaki Kashiwara, RIMS project professor and KUIAS program-specific professor speaks at a press conference following Abel Prize announcement

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Dr Masaki Kashiwara, project professor at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) and program-specific professor at the Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS), spoke at a press conference on 27 March following the announcement of his receipt of the 2025 Abel Prize.

At the conference, Susumu Kitagawa, executive vice-president for research promotion, provided an overview of the Abel Prize and highlighted Professor Kashiwara’s achievements, after which the awardee himself gave remarks.

Prior to the conference, Professor Kashiwara received a congratulatory phone call from Ms Toshiko Abe, Japan’s minister of education, culture, sports, science, and technology. Ms Abe stated: “I am very proud of you as the first Japanese recipient of this prestigious prize. This is a remarkable achievement and a great encouragement to the next generation of researchers.”

Professor Kashiwara commenting on his receipt of the Abel Prize
At the press conference
Professor Kashiwara on the phone with Ms Abe

Comments from Professor Kashiwara

I am deeply honored to receive the 2025 Abel Prize. This award is a significant recognition of my more than 50 years of research.

When I was 21, I met Professor Mikio Sato, the founder of algebraic analysis, and learned many things from him. Most importantly, he taught me the value of creating new mathematics.

I have been fortunate to work with many outstanding collaborators who have enriched my research. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all of them. Furthermore, the research environment at RIMS allowed me to focus entirely on my work, which greatly contributed to this achievement. I am deeply grateful to Kyoto University for consistently providing such an excellent environment for my research.

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