2024 Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers include seven from KyotoU

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On 19 November 2024, Clarivate Plc announced this year's list of Highly Cited Researchers, including seven from Kyoto University.
Highly Cited Researchers are selected annually from across the globe based on the number of highly cited papers they produced over an 11-year period.

The annual list is comprised of researchers recognized for authoring multiple papers that "rank in the top 1% by citations" in their fields. Awards are given in specific natural science and social science fields and for 'cross-field' impact.

The 2024 Highly Cited Researchers are 6, 636 individuals from 59 countries and regions, and include the following seven from Kyoto University.

Name Title and affiliation Award category
Shinichiro Fujimori Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Cross-Field
Toshi A Furukawa Program-Specific Professor, Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications (IAC) Psychiatry and Psychology
Kenji Kabashima Professor, Graduate School of Medicine Cross-Field
Minoru Kanehisa Specially Appointed Professor, Institute for Chemical Research (ICR) Biology and Biochemistry
Susumu Kitagawa Distinguished Professor, Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS) Chemistry
Ryohei Terauchi Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture Plant and Animal Science
Shinjiro Yamaguchi Professor, Institute for Chemical Research (ICR) Plant and Animal Science

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