Kyoto University's Research Resource Archive, or KURRA, takes materials produced or obtained by KyotoU researchers in the course of their work and makes these permanently available for use at and outside the institution.
As part of these efforts, KURRA has recently published 'Photographs of the Egyptian Collection in the Kyoto University Museum' as archival materials left by photographer Shigeru Jufuku.
The photographs depict Egyptian artifacts in the possession of the Kyoto University Museum (KUM). Shigeru Jufuku (1953–2019), a specialist in cultural property photography, created these works between 2011 and 2018, initially as part of preparations for the KUM-hosted 2011 exhibition 'Egyptian Antiquities of Kyoto University: Entrusted Dreams from Petrie to Hamada, Two Giants of Archaeology'. Some of these images were published in 2016 in the 'Catalogue of the Egyptian Collection in the Kyoto University Museum'. The newly released compilation presents high-resolution, color versions of these and numerous other photographs of the artifacts, including those not contained in the 2016 publication due to page limitations, and offers new perspectives on some of the objects. Most of the photographed materials were donated to KUM by the Egyptian Exploration Fund (EEF) and the British School of Archaeology in Egypt (BSAE) between 1909 and 1931.
- Title: Photographs of the Egyptian Collection in the Kyoto University Museum, 2011-2018.
- Repository: The Kyoto University Museum
- Creator: Shigeru Jufuku, 1953–2019
- Period covered: 2011–2018 (when the photographs were taken)
- Content: 170 positive films (4 x 5 format) in four albums and 835 digital camera files in eight albums
- Year of compilation: 2023

Details: 01-012_Abydos030_p084, TKUM PIC 2020/2/S01/01-012, 'Photographs of the Egyptian Collection in the Kyoto University Museum, 2011-2018', Kyoto University (original stored at the Kyoto University Museum, digital data provided by KURRA)

Details: 01-013_Badari072+081[ab]_p032, TKUM PIC 2020/2/S01/01-013, 'Photographs of the Egyptian Collection in the Kyoto University Museum, 2011-2018', Kyoto University (original stored at the Kyoto University Museum, digital data provided by KURRA)

Details: 01-022_Sinai003_p104, TKUM PIC 2020/2/S01/01-022, 'Photographs of the Egyptian Collection in the Kyoto University Museum, 2011-2018', Kyoto University (original stored at the Kyoto University Museum, digital data provided by KURRA)