16th Tachibana Award for Outstanding Women Researchers: winners and award ceremony announced

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The Kyoto University Tachibana Award for Outstanding Women Researchers was established in 2008 to recognize exceptional achievements by the institution's early-career women researchers.

The University is pleased to announce that it has selected the winners of the 16th Tachibana Award and Honorable Mention Award and will hold a ceremony to celebrate their achievements on Friday 1 March 2024, as detailed below.

1. About the Award

The Tachibana Award for Outstanding Women Researchers was established in 2008 to acknowledge outstanding research achievements by early-career female researchers at Kyoto University.

By publicly acknowledging women who have made outstanding achievements in academic research regardless of the research field, the Tachibana Award aims to motivate not only the awardees themselves, but also others following in their footsteps. In this way, the award seeks to help foster the development of accomplished female scholars who will lead the future of academic research, both at Kyoto University and nationwide.

2. 16th Award selection process

There were a total of 20 applicants, eight in the student category and 12 in the researcher category.

The winners were selected through a two-stage process by a committee comprised of eight members and chaired by Dr Kyoko Inagaki, Kyoto University's executive vice-president for gender equality, international affairs, and external affairs.

3. 16th Award winners

Tachibana Award (for Outstanding Women Researchers)

Student category

Hiyori TAKEBE, 1st-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Engineering
"Comprehensive Synthesis of Optically Active Caged Hydrocarbon Molecules and Construction of Chemical Space by Network-Type Database"

Researcher category

Ellen Hidemi FUKUDA, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Informatics
"Research on descent methods for multiobjective optimization problems"

Honorable Mention Award

Student category

Yanran Wang, 3rd-year doctoral student, Graduate School of Engineering
"Swarm Formation and Data Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems"

Researcher category

  • Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies
    "Tales of climate, disturbances, and adaptability: Assessing physiological adaptations in elephants"
  • Mie TORII, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Medicine
    "Prevalence and factors associated with sarcopenia/frailty in patients with rheumatoid arthritis"

4. Award ceremony

The ceremony and research presentations by the Tachibana Award winners can be viewed live online by registering via the form below.

Date and time

Friday 1 March 2024, 14:00–15:00


Online (Zoom webinar)




Use the following form:
Registration form to watch the award ceremony

Registration deadline

17:00 on Thursday 29 February 2024


14:00–14:05 Opening speech
Executive Vice-President for Gender Equality, International Affairs, and External Affairs
Kyoto University
14:05–14:15 Presentation of award certificates and Wacoal Prizes
14:15–14:25 Presidential address
Dr Nagahiro MINATO, Kyoto University President
14:25–14:35 Congratulatory speech by the distinguished guest
Representative Director, President, and CEO
Wacoal Corporation
14:35–14:55 Research presentations by the Tachibana Award winners
  • Student category: Hiyori TAKEBE
  • Researcher category: Ellen Hidemi FUKUDA
14:55–15:00 Speeches by the Honorable Mention Award winners

Related link

Kyoto University Tachibana Award for Outstanding Women Researchers

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