Kyoto University's Research Resource Archive, or KURRA, takes materials produced or obtained by KyotoU researchers in the course of their work and makes these permanently available for use at and outside the institution.
As part of these efforts, KURRA has recently published 'Lectures by Mikio Sato: Lecture Notes and Sound Recordings, 1984-1986’, which is a collection of archival materials related to the late KyotoU professor emeritus.
Dr Sato was a world-renowned mathematician, being credited with founding the field of algebraic analysis and recognized with the following distinctions: the 1969 Asahi Prize of Science, the 1976 Japan Academy Prize, the 1987 Fujihara Award, the 1997 Schock Prize, and the 2002–2003 Wolf Prize in Mathematics.
Amongst his numerous achievements, Dr Sato discovered that the moduli space of soliton equations can be described as an infinite-dimensional Grassmann manifold. He explained this theory through lectures in 1984 and 1985. Notes taken at these were first published in 1989 in the Kyoto University Research Information Repository KURENAI as part of the series ‘数理解析レクチャー・ノート’ (Mathematical Science Lecture Notes). The KURRA collection contains the original handwritten notes along with audio recordings of Dr Sato's lectures, which are today regarded as historically significant events that inspired a great number of early-career researchers and contributed to the theory's subsequent development.
Comprised of these resources and notes of many of the other lectures that Dr Sato delivered during the 1984 and 1985 academic years, including those not covered by the KURENAI-hosted series, together with audio recordings of most of those sessions, 'Lectures by Mikio Sato' represents an archive of historically valuable research resources related to the late mathematician.
- Creators: Mikio Sato, Toru Umeda (notetaking), and Shigeki Matsumoto (audio recording)
- Period covered: 1984 and 1985 academic years (from April 1984 to February 1986)
- Repository: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS)
- Year of compilation: 2023
- Quantity: 54 items (20 notebooks, 28 audio cassettes, and six other materials related to the notes taken)
- Metadata: 60 records
- Usage: Available for academic and educational purposes
- Search tool: Kyoto University Digital Archive System 'Peek'

First lecture of the second semester of the 1985–1986 academic year: "Necessity of studying the generalized theory of non-commutative rings"

Reference: ‘講義録音 3’