Kyoto University's Research Resource Archive, or KURRA, makes materials produced or obtained by KyotoU researchers in the course of their work permanently available for use at and outside the institution.
As part of these efforts KURRA has recently published 'Tan Tanaka papers, 1967-2003', a set of archival materials related to the late professor emeritus and architectural historian Tan Tanaka (1946–2012): photographs of buildings and gardens and field notes he produced between 1967 and 2003 while researching the history of Chinese architecture and landscape gardening. The bulk of the materials is from the 1971–1974 period, when he was a technical official in charge of building surveys and repairs at the Cultural Properties Protection Department of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and from the subsequent years through 2003 when he was a faculty member of Kyoto University's Institute for Research in Humanities. Many of these items document activities outside Japan, most notably in mainland China, where Dr Tanaka visited numerous times from the 1970s through the 1990s for research, academic delegation, and other purposes. He also visited Taiwan, South Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, and Europe. There are also materials from his student years during the 1960's.
- Title: Tan Tanaka papers, 1967-2003
- Creator: Tan Tanaka (1946–2012)
- Content: Approximately 30,000 positive and 16,500 negative film images, 17 photo albums, 4,000 printed photographs, and 31 notebooks
- Metadata: 30,449 records in the Kyoto University Digital Archive System (Peek)
- Repository: Institute for Research in Humanities
Details: 117_下華厳寺薄伽教蔵 正面, IRHu MIXED 2018/2/S1/002/0118, "Tan Tanaka papers, 1967–2003", Kyoto University (original stored at the Institute for Research in Humanities, digital data provided by KURRA).
Details: 34-11_大同 下華厳寺 薄伽教蔵殿_81, IRHu MIXED 2018/2/S1/013/0168, "Tan Tanaka papers, 1967–2003", Kyoto University (original stored at the Institute for Research in Humanities, digital data provided by KURRA).
Details: 794_下華厳寺薄伽教蔵殿, IRHu MIXED 2018/2/S1/063/0174, "Tan Tanaka papers, 1967–2003", Kyoto University (original stored at the Institute for Research in Humanities, digital data provided by KURRA).
Details: 貴州トン族調査1990年10月(H2年), IRHu MIXED 2018/2/S5/259, "Tan Tanaka papers, 1967–2003", Kyoto University (original stored at the Institute for Research in Humanities, digital data provided by KURRA).