KIZUNA hosts "Let's make Origami Christmas ornaments!" online (23 December 2021)

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On 23 December 2021, Student Lounge KIZUNA hosted a "Let's make Origami Christmas ornaments!" event as a special edition of its "Online Lounge" weekday Zoom gatherings.

Origami is the Japanese traditional art of paper folding. It was originally a form of recreation for children but is now an internationally appreciated art form.

Participants in the December event worked on making paper Christmas ornaments, a perfect theme for the season, following instructions from KIZUNA's student tutors. They also enjoyed chatting about topics such as winter customs in their home countries, with everyone having fun and making new friends from all over the world.

KIZUNA tutors and event participants making ornaments
KIZUNA tutors and event participants with their finished works

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