On 26 June, an eleven-member delegation headed by Ms Anastasiya Rakova, deputy mayor of the city of Moscow, visited the Graduate School of Medicine for a meeting with KyotoU officials including the School's Dean Kazuhiro Iwai and the University Hospital's Vice-Director Akifumi Takaori. Among the visitors were Mr Alexey Repik, chairman of the Russian-Japanese Business Council, and Dr Alexey Khripun, minister of the government of Moscow and head of the Moscow Healthcare Department.
The group was in Japan to survey the current state of cancer treatment and prevention and the medical education system in the country.
During the meeting, the visitors listened attentively as their hosts outlined the latest developments in cancer research at Kyoto and explained the importance of early diagnosis. They also actively exchanged opinions with the KyotoU representatives on topics ranging from medical education and training, to hosting of foreign researchers, and to exchanges with overseas institutions.
Meeting participants