On 12 November, Kyoto University’s Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) and the Inamori Foundation co-hosted the 34th Kyoto Prize Workshop, featuring RIMS Specially Appointed Professor Masaki Kashiwara, who received the 2018 Prize in Basic Sciences.
According to the Inamori Foundation, Dr Kashiwara "established the theory of D-modules, thereby playing a decisive role in the development of algebraic analysis". His award citation mentions his "outstanding contributions to a broad spectrum of modern mathematics: advancement of D-module theory from its foundation".
The workshop was themed "Future Outlook of Algebraic Analysis", and was attended by over 100 researchers from across Japan and the world. The event opened with a greeting from RIMS Director Michio Yamada, followed by KyotoU Professor Emeritus Takahiro Kawai introducing the featured speaker. Dr Kashiwara then delivered a keynote lecture on "Quiver Hecke Algebras, Quantum Coordinate Ring and Localization", his exposition of the latest research captivating the entire audience.
The program also included lectures by four other world-leading mathematicians, all discussing their recent work: Professor Emeritus Pierre Schapira of Sorbonne University ; Professor Takeshi Saito of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences; Professor Bernard Leclerc of the University of Caen Normandy's Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme (LMNO) ; and Professor Tomoyuki Arakawa of RIMS. With a great number of researchers in related fields taking part, the workshop highlighted the enormous future potential of algebraic analysis.
RIMS Director Yamada greeting the audience
Professor Kashiwara delivering a keynote lecture
Lecturers (from left): Professors Schapira, Saito, Leclerc, and Arakawa
Lecture scene
Related link
- Kyoto Prize