On 29-30 October, the Indonesian Association of Kyoto University Alumni (Himpunan Alumni Kyoto University, or HAKU) hosted the 11th Southeast Asia Network Forum in the city of Padang, the capital of the Indonesian province of West Sumatra. The event was co-hosted with the KyotoU ASEAN Center and Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS). Participants from Kyoto included Dr Kayo Inaba, executive vice-president for gender equality, international affairs, and public relations, as well as faculty from the Graduate Schools of Engineering, Energy Sciences, and Management.
Launched in 2015 and co-hosted by KyotoU and local alumni, the Network Forum aims at sharing the University's latest academic achievements with communities across the region, with a focus on topics of local interest. It was preceded by a smaller-scale Kyoto University Southeast Asia Forum, which took place 18 times between 2007 and 2015, including eight organized by HAKU. To date, Indonesia has hosted a total of 12 Southeast Asia/Network Forums.
The 11th Network Forum was held in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SustaiN Conference) and the 3rd International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions (ICGDTR), co-hosted by SustaiN Society and the Graduate Program of Andalas University (Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas).
The two-day event began with a welcome address from EVP Inaba, followed by keynote lectures by four researchers, including Professor Rachmat Witoelar, the Indonesian President’s Special Envoy for Climate Change, and Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi of the KyotoU Graduate School of Management.
Day two featured keynote lectures by Professor Yoko Hayami, director of CSEAS, and three prominent researchers from Malaysia, the Netherlands, and Indonesia.
On both days, thematic sessions were held in the afternoon, with a combined total of approximately 90 researchers presenting.
The second day included a social gathering in the evening, hosted by Professor Irwan Prayitno, Governor of West Sumatra Province.
Forum participants
EVP Inaba greeting the crowd
Keynote lecture by Professor Rachmat Witoelar, the President’s Special Envoy for Climate Change
Keynote lecture by CSEAS Director Hayami
Members of HAKU and MyKyoto
Gathering hosted by Professor Irwan Prayitno, governor of West Sumatra Province