During the 2016-2017 academic year, Kyoto University's Short-Term Study Abroad Program Under the Agreement on Inter-University Students Exchange (East Asia Short-Term Study Abroad Program) offered two summer and three spring schools, the former hosted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Kyungpook National University, and the latter by National Taiwan University, Yonsei University, and Zhejiang University. A total of 46 students, of various years and specializations, took part.
Organized in coordination with the host institutions -- Kyoto University's academic exchange partners -- these programs were each comprised of language lessons, and cultural and collaborative learning opportunities.
Language lessons were provided at beginning to advanced levels, with placement tests given on the first day. Participants diligently worked on honing their skills, experiencing both the joys and frustrations of learning a new language. Each class included students from other countries, and the opportunity to work side-by-side with motivated colleagues varied in age as well as in nationality seemed to inspire the KU students to explore their own career possibilities.
Collaborative learning involved students from each institution working together on presentations. Through these interactions and exchanging of views with local students, the participants from Kyoto not only became aware of different viewpoints, but also gained a fresh perspective on their own country, cultural habits, and values. They also benefitted from rich cultural experiences thanks to the assistance and hospitality of their local counterparts.
It is anticipated that 2016-2017 participants will build on these experiences to expand their horizons.
Reports by participating students, written in Japanese, are available at the link below.
At Yonsei University
At Kyungpook National University
At National Taiwan University
At Zhejiang University.
Related links
- Student reports on the 2016-2017 short-term study-abroad programs (in Japanese)
http://www.kuasu.cpier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/program-enterprise/reports/2016sendreport/ - Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU)
About the Short-Term Study Abroad Program under the Agreement on Inter-University Student Exchange (East Asia Short-Term Study Abroad Program)
Each academic year, Kyoto University sponsors five to six short-term study-abroad programs, as opportunities for students to take part in exchanges with their counterparts from other countries, and to develop an international perspective and foreign language skills.
In accordance with the inter-university agreement with Kyoto University, participants are granted the same status as visiting exchange students at their host institutions for the duration of each program.
Funding for the 2016-2017 Program was provided by Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under its "Re-Inventing Japan Project -- Support for the Formation of Collaborative Programs with ASEAN (Universities) -- Rediscovering Japan Through Collaboration in the Open ASEAN+6 -- International Human Resource Development Centering on the SEND Program", and Kyoto University under its priority action plan, as well as by the host institutions.
Junko Kawai, Taro Iemoto, and Liyou Han
Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS)
International Education and Student Mobility Division, Education Promotion and Student Support Department
Email: ryuga-east.asia*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)