As part of activities of the Mathematics Subunit of the Kyoto University Top University Project "Japan Gateway: Kyoto University Top Global Program (KTGU)", the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) has invited globally recognized researchers from the world's leading universities, including Fields Medal awardees, to Kyoto University. Taking the occasion of an annual meeting of the Executive Committee (EC) of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) held in Kyoto in April 2016, RIMS and IMU co-hosted a lecture series program entitled "KTGU-IMU Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars", where talks, panel discussions, and seminars were delivered by IMU's EC members and Fields Medal awardees, aimed toward an audience of young researchers and students.
For the colloquia session, ten EC members including two Fields Medal awardees, Distinguished Professor Vaughan Jones of Vanderbilt University (Vice President of IMU) and Professor Wendelin Werner of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, took the stage. Nine seminars also took place, where participants, most of whom are experts in the field, had productive discussions. These events provided valuable opportunities for young researchers including graduate students to experience at first hand the forefront of mathematical science.
As part of RIMS's efforts to encourage female researchers, a Miniworkshop for Women in Mathematics "Let's listen to talks of female mathematicians" was held on 29 March, in which not only female researchers but also high school students from Kyoto Prefecture and other regions participated. This workshop, facilitated by Professor Motoko Kotani of Tohoku University (President of the Mathematical Society of Japan), started with opening remarks by KU's Executive-Vice President Kayo Inaba, followed by addresses by Director of KU's Institute for Advanced Study Shigefumi Mori (President of IMU) and Professor Kotani. Five lectures followed, delivered by: Professor Ingrid Daubechies of Duke University (former President of IMU), Professor Shihoko Ishii of the University of Tokyo, Professor Senjo Shimizu of KU's Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Associate Professor Makiko Sasada of the University of Tokyo, and Associate Professor Asuka Takatsu of Tokyo Metropolitan University. A panel discussion, moderated by Professor John Toland of the University of Cambridge (EC member of IMU) and joined by Professor Jill Mesirov of the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center, took place afterward, where panelists discussed topics including challenges particular to female researchers, and how they had overcome them.
After the workshop, an exchange meeting was held at the candidate site for RIMS's international accommodation and research facility. After Professor Shigeru Mukai, Director of RIMS, gave a toast, participating researchers actively engaged in amicable conversation.
Professor Jones
Professor Werner
Professor Daubechies
The graduate student audience
Miniworkshop for Women in Mathematics panel discussion
Group photo at the exchange meeting, from upper left: Professors Ishii, Takatsu, Sasada, Kotani, Mesirov, Daubechies, Inaba, Mukai, Mori, and Director of KU's Graduate School of Science Professor Atsushi Moriwaki
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- KTGU-IMU Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars