Professor Takuro Mochizuki of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) presented a Plenary Lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) held in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 13–21 August. The ICM meets once every four years, and its opening ceremony includes the awarding of the Fields Medal, which is often called the "mathematician's Nobel Prize". Professor Mochizuki was the only Japanese national among the 21 Plenary Speakers selected for this year's event.
His lecture was entitled "Wild harmonic bundles and wild pure twistor D-modules", and focused on a theory with which he had proven Kashiwara's conjecture, a seemingly intractable problem put forth by Professor Emeritus Masaki Kashiwara, also of Kyoto University. The theory earned Professor Mochizuki worldwide acclaim, and, with its far-reaching scope, may serve as part of the foundation for 21st-century mathematics.
In the meantime, Professor Takashi Kumagai, another RIMS member, spoke at the ICM as an Invited Lecturer.
Professor Mochizuki giving his Plenary Lecture
A Plenary Lecture in session at ICM 2014