13:00-17:00 (PST)
(Wednesday 1 March 6:00-10:00 [JST])
Kyoto University is pleased to announce that its three North American-based on-site laboratories will host "Transformative Innovations in Medical and Life Sciences: The1st joint symposium of Kyoto University’s Three North American On-site Labs".
The symposium, which will review the outstanding research achievements in the fields of medical and life sciences, will be held both on-site in La Jolla, USA, and online via YouTube (live and on-demand). All those interested are welcome to join.
Basic info
- Off Campus
- Online
On-site: Roth Auditorium, Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine
(2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA) -
Online: Via YouTube (live and on-demand)
- Current Students & Staff
- Alumni
- Visitors
- Corporations & Researchers
The symposium is open to all, but will be of particular interest to research scientists, medical and pharmaceutical application developers, and support staff.
On-site participants: 150
Free of charge
Kyoto University has established eleven "on-site laboratories" in collaboration with its overseas partners. Each on-site laboratory, led by a particular unit within Kyoto University, has specific aims to promote research, education and academia-industry collaboration. Three of the on-site laboratories, which were established in collaboration with North American institutions, have organized this symposium to stimulate advances in medical and life sciences. These three labs and the three focal themes of the symposium are detailed below.
- iPS Cell Research Center at Gladstone Institutes, established in collaboration with Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco:
Session 1: Stem cells and cell reprogramming - Quantum Nano Medicine Research Center, established in collaboration with the University of California, Los Angeles:
Session 2: Quantum science, nanomedicine, and radiation therapy - Kyoto University Research Center San Diego, established in collaboration with the University of California, San Diego:
Session 3: Cancer immunotherapy
For further details of the symposium, please visit the Symposium Website
Registration is required to receive the information necessary for live participation on-site and/or online. To register, please access the Symposium Website.
Symposium Organizing Secretariat (International Strategy Office, Kyoto University)
osl.symposium*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (replace * with @)