13:30-17:30 (OPEN 13:00)
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Sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT),
Program for Leading Graduate Schools works to advance the establishment of university graduate schools of the highest caliber by supporting the dramatic reform of their education programs in such a way that they will institute degree programs recognized as top quality around the world. To foster excellent students who are both highly creative and internationally attuned and who will play leading roles in the academic, industrial, and governmental sectors across the globe, the program brings top ranking faculty and students together from both in and outside Japan and enlists participation from other sectors in its planning and execution, while creating continuity between master's and doctoral programs and implementing curricula that overarch fields of specialization.
Kyoto University offers the FIVE Leading Graduate School Programs within its graduate schools to foster excellent students who will play leading roles in the academic, industrial, and governmental sectors across the globe.
All those interested are welcome to attend.
Program for Leading Graduate Schools works to advance the establishment of university graduate schools of the highest caliber by supporting the dramatic reform of their education programs in such a way that they will institute degree programs recognized as top quality around the world. To foster excellent students who are both highly creative and internationally attuned and who will play leading roles in the academic, industrial, and governmental sectors across the globe, the program brings top ranking faculty and students together from both in and outside Japan and enlists participation from other sectors in its planning and execution, while creating continuity between master's and doctoral programs and implementing curricula that overarch fields of specialization.
Kyoto University offers the FIVE Leading Graduate School Programs within its graduate schools to foster excellent students who will play leading roles in the academic, industrial, and governmental sectors across the globe.
All those interested are welcome to attend.
Basic info
Kyoto University students and the general public
Not required
Contact info
Educational Planning Division,
Department of Educational Promotion and Student Support
E-mail: ksui-kkikaku-kyom02*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @ when sending your e-mail.)
Department of Educational Promotion and Student Support
E-mail: ksui-kkikaku-kyom02*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace * with @ when sending your e-mail.)