From 30 July through 12 August, the Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU) held its Kyoto Summer Program 2017 for students from ASEAN countries and Japan. The program was organized in partnership with the KU Institute for Liberal and Arts and Science's Education Center for Japanese Language and Culture as well as the Graduate School and Faculty of Letters, with support provided by the University under the 2017-2018 Wild & Wise Collaborative Learning Program.
Of the 35 participants, 18 were international students from five leading institutions in the ASEAN region: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; the University of Indonesia; the National University of Singapore; and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH) and the University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS), both affiliated with Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The rest were KU students from four Faculties and two Graduate Schools, joining the ASEAN students in collaborative learning and assisting them with their studies.
The 35 participants attended lectures together and took part in cultural excursions, organized around the themes of "Japanese language and culture" and "interdisciplinary and international collaborative learning". They also delivered presentations on related topics, sparking lively discussions afterward.
Despite being affected by a typhoon (a cultural field trip to the Nantan area, organized by the Kyoto Prefectural International Center and the Nantan International Association, had to be cancelled due to stormy weather), the program was well-received by both students and faculty of the participating ASEAN universities. It followed a series of short-term ASEAN-bound programs for KU students -- also implemented by KUASU in cooperation with the host institutions -- and clearly reflected the solid bidirectional exchange partnership that has developed over the years between Kyoto University and its ASEAN counterparts.
At the Kyoto Prefectural Government Office
Lecture scene
Calligraphy lesson
Field trips
Collaborative presentation
Closing ceremony
Related link
- Wild & Wise Collaborative Learning Programs (2017-2018)