3rd International Symposium for the Establishment of Sustainable Campus (29 February 2016)


Entitled "Establishing green campuses linked with local communities -- Fostering sustainable campuses in the historic city of Kyoto", the third International Symposium for the Establishment of Sustainable Campus was held at the Symposium Hall in the International Science Building, Kyoto University.

This year's symposium invited experts involved in establishing sustainable campuses to discuss how to realize a sustainable and environmentally friendly university model that serves the local community. Around 130 participants working in facilities planning, including researchers, students, business employees, and university staff, attended from across Japan and abroad.

Following an opening address by Kyoto University's President Juichi Yamagiwa, Mr Masayuki Mori, Director of the Office for Facilities Planning, National Facilities Division, Department of Facilities Planning and Administration, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), delivered a guest speech, and KU's Executive Vice-President Naoki Sato explained the aims of the symposium. Then, two keynote lectures were delivered: "Establishing green campus linked with local communities" by Dr Kimberley D Smith, Board Member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE); and "Toward creating sustainable campus -- A case study of Ritsumeikan University" by Professor Kiyoaki Oikawa, Executive Director of the Office of Campus Planning of the Ritsumeikan Trust.

During a break time after the lectures, KU student organizations working on environmental issues made poster presentations, on which symposium participants and students exchanged their views.

A panel discussion facilitated by Assistant Professor Misuzu Asari, KU's Environment Preservation research Center at the Health, Safety, and Environment Organization, took place afterwards with six panelists: Dr Kimberley; Dr Masayoshi Iyoda, Researcher of Kiko Network (NPO); Professor Oikawa; Professor Shinya Funakawa, Vice-Dean of the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies; Professor Tooru Matou of the Graduate School of Agriculture; Mr Mori; and Mr Akimasa Yamashita, Vice-Governor of Kyoto Prefecture. The panelists and audience discussed how Kyoto University could establish sustainable and environmentally friendly campuses by utilizing local resources while maintaining harmony with local communities and society in the historical city of Kyoto. Professor Koichiro Oshima, KU's Vice-President and Director-General of the Health, Safety, and Environment Organization, delivered a closing address and concluded the symposium.

President Yamagiwa delivering an opening address

Panel discussion

Group photo of panelists