2015 KU-UTokyo games conclude (23 January 2016)


On 23 January, Kyoto University held the closing ceremony for the 2015 season of Sosei-sen ("battle of two blues"), a year-long series of intercollegiate games between Kyoto University and the University of Tokyo. The ceremony took place in the Maskawa Hall of the North Comprehensive Education and Research Building with Professor Shinsuke Kawazoe, Executive Vice-President for Student Affairs and Library Services, and Professor Shigeaki Oda, president of the Kyoto University Sports Union, in attendance.

The UTokyo teams were declared the overall winners for 2015 with 22 wins, 18 losses, and three ties. The ceremony concluded with representatives from both sides celebrating the good sportsmanship that had permeated the 7th Sosei-sen, making it a great success for all participants.

EVP Kawazoe addressing the ceremony attendees

Student representing UTokyo (left) receiving a certificate of merit from Prof Oda