New Year Party held at Uji Campus (4 January 2016)


The Uji Campus New Year Party, or "Shinnen Gorei-kai" , was recently held at Uji Obaku Plaza. The Uji Campus community, including faculty, staff, and members of administration offices, participated in this annual event in order to enhance inter-departmental cooperation and to promote exchanges among campus staff.

The party started with a New Year's greeting by Professor Kaoru Takara, Director of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), which was in charge of running the event. After a toast from Professor Takashi Watanabe, Vice-Dean of the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), which will take over from DPRI in April as the organizer of the New Year Party and other campus events, participants engaged in lively conversation in the festive atmosphere of the new year throughout the party.

Professor Takara, Director of DPRI, delivering his New Year's greetings

Professor Watanabe, Vice-Dean of RISH, giving a toast

Participants engaging in conversation