Professor Kazutoshi Mori receives 2015 Shi-Shi Award (14 December 2015)


On 14 December, the award presentation ceremony for the third Kyoto University Shi-Shi Award took place in the President's Reception Room at the University Head Office.

Established in November 2012, the Shi-Shi Award recognizes outstanding achievements by KU faculty members in education, research, and public service with the aim of promoting of the University's further development.

The 2015 award was conferred on Professor Kazutoshi Mori of the Graduate School of Science as follows:

Affiliation Title Name Achievement
Graduate School of Science Professor Kazutoshi Mori Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of the unfolded protein response (UPR)

In the ceremony, Mr Takayoshi Seiki, Executive Vice-President for General Affairs and Personnel, delivered opening and closing remarks, and President Yamagiwa presented the award certificate and prize to Professor Mori. After the proceedings, Professor Mori took part in a commemorative photo session and engaged in casual conversation with others in a festive atmosphere.

Shi-Shi Award presentation ceremony

From left: President Yamagiwa, Professor Mori, and Executive Vice-President Seiki