A debriefing session was held 29 September for students who took part in two John Mung programs concluded this year: the Cambridge University Long-Term Degree-Taking Program at the Centre for Mathematical Science and the month-long Oxford University Special Summer School Program.
Attended by around 40 students, the meeting opened with an overview of these programs by the coordinator, Professor Ruchira Palihawadana.
The Oxford program participants shared their experiences of: 1) lectures given in English, 2) special courses, and 3) daily life at Oxford University. The Cambridge program participant gave a presentation about his research achievements during his year-long stay in the UK.
In the Q&A session that followed, questions from prospective John Mung Program participants about topics such as class work and differences between Japanese and British research environments led to a lively exchange of ideas and opinions.
Lastly, Professor Shunichi Takeda from the Graduate School of Medicine brought the two-and-a-half-hour session to a close by offering words of encouragement to all those present.
Oxford program participants sharing their experiences of English-language lectures