President Juichi Yamagiwa attends the 2nd Japan-UK Universities Conference for Collaboration in Research and Education, memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation concluded with the University of Birmingham (8 October 2015)


A delegation from Kyoto University attended the 2nd Japan-UK Universities Conference for Collaboration in Research and Education, which was held at Keio University on 8 October 2015. The delegation was headed by President Juichi Yamagiwa and Prof Tetsuo Sawaragi, Director of the International Center.

Over 90 delegates, including the presidents and other executives from 31 universities from Japan and the UK, participated in the conference, which was held in collaboration between Keio University and the British Council. The conference aimed to provide a platform for the participants to discuss common issues in higher education and research, and explore possibilities for collaboration between academic institutions in the two countries. During the conference, President Yamagiwa gave a presentation in a session dedicated to "Japan-UK Collaboration in Research".

After the conference, a signing ceremony was held for the conclusion of a general memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation between Kyoto University and the University of Birmingham. The ceremony was conducted in the old library building of Keio University. The agreement was signed by President Yamagiwa and Pro-Vice-Chancellor Michael Whitby of the University of Birmingham, who was visiting Japan to attend the conference. Kyoto University has been operating student exchange programs with the University of Birmingham since 2012, following the conclusion of a student exchange agreement in 2011. The new general agreement is anticipated to facilitate the development of wider cooperation between the two institutions, which will contribute to academic collaboration between Japan and the UK.

President Yamagiwa delivers his presentation

The conference room

President Yamagiwa and Pro-Vice-Chancellor Michael Whitby at the signing ceremony for the conclusion of the academic exchange agreement between Kyoto University and the University of Birmingham