Kyodai Ibunkai Tokyo Branch holds 9th General Assembly and Exchange Meeting (26 September 2015)


The 9th General Assembly and Exchange Meeting of Kyodai Ibunkai Tokyo Branch were held at the Kizan Club in the Japan Education Center, attended by 45 alumni members and 31 student members.

Kyodai Ibunaki Tokyo Branch is an association of alumni who graduated from Kyoto University's Graduate School or the Faculty of Letters and currently reside in the Kanto region. Earlier on the same day, the Graduate School of Letters and the Faculty of Letters hosted the 4th Career Guidance Session at the Gakushikaikan, which is located near the Japan Education Center, and all students participating in the session joined the assembly.

Preliminary to the opening of the General Assembly, Mr Shinji Ishii, a 1989 graduate of the Faculty and an author residing in Kyoto, delivered a lecture entitled "Before and After Kyodai", in which he related interesting anecdotes about his experiences from the time before he entered Kyoto University to the present, people he met, and how he approaches life.

Following a commemorative photo session, Professor Shoji Hirata, Deputy Director of the Graduate School of Letters, delivered an opening address before Mr Masanobu Okuda, President of Kyodai Ibunkai Tokyo Branch, welcomed attendees and proposed a toast. In the ensuing Exchange Meeting, alumni and current students engaged in friendly conversation. Professor Toshihiko Sugimoto of the Graduate School of Letters delivered a speech expressing his hope that Career Guidance sessions, along with Tokyo Branch General Assembly and Exchange Meeting, all of which have become well-established events, will continue to be held for years to come. A representative of participating students who had just attended the Career Guidance session responded by expressing the students' gratitude for valuable opportunities to interact with their predecessors, and their willingness to utilize these opportunities to help them develop successful careers. As always, the event wrapped up with everyone joining in the singing of "Shoyo no Uta (Song of Wandering Kyoto)" and "Biwako Shuko no Uta (Song of Sailing Round Lake Biwa)".

Kyodai Ibunkai Tokyo Branch is committed to providing support to KU undergraduates and graduate students, and to promoting exchange both among alumni and between alumni and current students.

Mr Ishii delivering his lecture

Deputy Director Hirata delivering his address

Lecture venue

Exchange Meeting

Group photo