International exchange course, "Learning about Development from Rural Bhutan", concludes (30 August-11 September 2015)


From 30 August through 11 September, 10 students and two faculty members from Kyoto University visited eastern Bhutan as part of the international exchange course "Learning About Development from Rural Bhutan", observing dynamic changes in climate, vegetation, and livelihoods as they traveled between altitudes ranging from 900 to 3,800 meters.

Arriving in Trashigang District, the participants visited Sherubtse College where they made presentations on Japanese culture and listened to local students describing Bhutan's history and culture. Afterwards, they received lessons in Driglam Namzhag (Bhutanese etiquette) and watched Sherubtse College students perform traditional and modern dances.

Next, joined by five students from the college, the visitors made field trips to four locations across the district: Kanglung, Trashigang Town, Radhi, and Bartsham.

In Kanglung, the group visited a primary school and attended classes alongside the pupils. Activities in Trashigang, the district capital, included paying a courtesy call on Trashigang Dzongda (the governor) and visiting the district hospital where several participants experienced pulse diagnosis performed by a Drungtsho (doctor of traditional medicine). In Radhi, the students visited farmers' houses and several local institutions, such as gewog (village block) offices, Basic Health Units (BHUs), and Lhakhangs and Gompas (temples), seeing abandoned paddy fields and listening to villagers' accounts of wildlife damage. The highlight in Bartsham was visiting a temple and hearing the legend of Chana Dorji (Vajrapani), protector of the Buddha, who is reputed to have devoured snakes in order to keep the locals safe.

Throughout these activities, participants from both sides traveled together and developed strong friendships.

Farm road in Radhi

Mithun in Radhi

Lodging in Radhi

In circles

Lemon grass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) on the way to Mongar

Maize field in Bartsham

Primary school in Kanglung

Day of departure