University Student Study Forum 2015 held (24 July 2015)


University Student Study Forum 2015, co-hosted by the Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education (CPEHE), Kyoto University; the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education (CRDHE); the University of Tokyo; and Dentsu Scholarship Foundation, was held in Kyoto University's Clock Tower Centennial Hall on 24 July 2015.

This year's forum adopted the theme: "Which is required for university education, 'project' or 'study project'?". Professor Shinichi Mizokami, Director of CPEHE, opened proceedings with a briefing on the purpose of the forum. That was followed by a keynote lecture delivered by Professor Noyuri Mima of Future University Hakodate and addresses by Professor Shunya Yoshimi of CRDHE, and Mr Ryuichi Mori, Director of the Dentsu Scholarship Foundation. In the afternoon session, facilitated by Professor Masayuki Murakami of the Research Center for Multimedia Education, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, and Associate Professor Jun Nakahara of CRDHE, the issue of how to promote university students' study and personal development was raised and discussed from a wide range of perspectives.

Professor Mizokami concluded the forum with a summary lecture in which he presented the achievements of the forum over the eight years since its inception and discussed forthcoming challenges.

The forum attracted 306 on- and off-campus participants, including university staff, businesspersons involved in personnel administration and education, undergraduate students, graduate students, and high school teachers. The interest-packed event stimulated lively exchanges of views on the topic among participants.

Exchanging views in the lunch hall

Lively discussion during the session

Forum venue